Our online conference tradition continues...
In her own words, this is Dr. Em Walsh's from University of Central Florida and my own little joy that brings us together thinking in the same place, irrespective of our physical distance, each year. It is truly an interdisciplinary and international affair, and one that we are very excited for. Particularly this topic and this round of speakers!
Nostalgia has long stimulated the minds of artists, urban planners, and philosophers alike, for its dual positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, nostalgia is praised for the potential advantages it gives individuals who feel it, such as motivating them to achieve their goals while away from their country of origin. On the other hand, it has been criticized as a dangerous emotion because it has been used as a political tool. We invite all researchers interested to learn more about the nature of nostalgia itself and its relationship to place to our event. It is aimed at exploring how nostalgia and place interact through themes of time, homesickness, and both public and private spaces.
Schedule (we are on Central European Time!)
January 20th:
2:30 PM - Katharina Niemeyer (Université du Quebec à Montreal): "When Media Becomes Home"
3:30 PM - Dylan Trigg (Central European University Vienna): "Mallstalgia: a Phenomenological Foray"
January 21st
2:30 PM - Lola San Martín Arbide (Universidad de Sevilla) - "The Nostalgic Horizons of Music in the Long Nineteenth Century"
3:30 PM - Mario Panico (Universiteit van Amsterdam): "For Nostalgia: Using Space to Go Back in Time"