TALKS (selected)


brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime
brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime
woman taking photo of white concrete buildings during daytime
woman taking photo of white concrete buildings during daytime

Universität Heidelberg: Philosophy and Psychiatry Colloquium

December, 2024 - "The Extended Body: Vicarious Memories and Mimetic Capacities in Transgenerational Trauma"

University of Antwerp - The RECkoning: 10 years of Radical Enactivism

October, 2024 - "Out of our Heads and Into the Air: A Radical Revision of Emotions, Memory and Place"

Past talks

2024: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Philosophy of Mind Workshop - Engenharia conceitual da memória afetiva (4E)

2024: Université de Genève, Switzerland - Issues in Philosophy of Memory 4. Title: "The Extended Body: Vicarious Memories and Mimetic Capacities in Transgenerational Trauma"

2023: Universität Wien /Institut Vienna Circle, Austria - Philosophy of Science Colloquium. Title: "A mind so rare: mimesis and embodied memory - The case of the Shoah survivors' descendants"

2023: LMU München, Germany - The Unconventional Memory Workshop. Title: "The Extended Body: Vicarious Memories and Mimetic Capacities in Transgenerational Trauma"

2023: Institut Jean Nicod, Paris - Memory and Consciousness Workshop. Title: "Enacting unconsciousness in emotional and embodied remembering"

2023: Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany - GEM 2023 - Title: "What does reconstruction mean in a 4E approach of emotional remembering?"

2022: Humboldt Univesität Berlin, Germany, GAP 11 - Varieties of (dis)continuism: “What is subjective time in feared remembered/imagined scenarios? 

2022: Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany - 4E Cognition Workshop. Title: "Environmental time travel"

2021: University of Grenoble, France Phd Seminar. Title: "The presentification of the past: involuntary memories in fear disorders"

2020: Universität zu Köln, Germany - CONCEPT Brownbag Seminar. Title: "Reviving the notion of affective memory towards a new approach on mental time"

2019: University of Manchester, UK - Forgiveness, Remembrance, Time. Title: "Is forgiveness possible in collective trauma?"

2019: Cologne-Grenoble Philosophy of Memory Workshop, Germany. Title: "Time and Nostalgia"

2019: Université Grenoble Alpes, France - Issues in Philosophy of Memory 2 - Title "Thinking temporal frameworks qualitatively: episodic memory and trauma"

2018: Center for Philosophy of Time, Milan, Italy - Workshop Thinking in and About Time - Duration and Continuity in Mental Time Travel

2017: Universität Bonn, Germany. Tense and Tensibility. Title: "The ethical time of men as a replicate of God's eternity: Schelling's Ages of the world"

2017: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany – Winterschule. Title: "Existing in one time and in many: the analogy between unity and multiplicity in Schelling as a ground for an ethics".

2016: Universität Bonn, Germany. Workshop Philosophien der Zeit. Title : "Does autobiographical memory require a linear notion of time?"

2014: Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. Ateliers du stage d'hiver à Coimbra: Workshop On Immanence and its logic. Title: "Bergson through Plotinus, Plotinus through Bergson: Paradoxes of immanence"

I have presented a zillion things on Aristotle and Plotinus' accounts of time and memory in Brazil, but I am too lazy to search for them at this point. Anyways, I assure you I remember their theories accurately :D