TALKS (selected)
Universität Heidelberg: Philosophy and Psychiatry Colloquium
December, 2024 - "The Extended Body: Vicarious Memories and Mimetic Capacities in Transgenerational Trauma"
University of Antwerp - The RECkoning: 10 years of Radical Enactivism
October, 2024 - "Out of our Heads and Into the Air: A Radical Revision of Emotions, Memory and Place"
Past talks
2024: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Philosophy of Mind Workshop - Engenharia conceitual da memória afetiva (4E)
2024: Université de Genève, Switzerland - Issues in Philosophy of Memory 4. Title: "The Extended Body: Vicarious Memories and Mimetic Capacities in Transgenerational Trauma"
2023: Universität Wien /Institut Vienna Circle, Austria - Philosophy of Science Colloquium. Title: "A mind so rare: mimesis and embodied memory - The case of the Shoah survivors' descendants"
2023: LMU München, Germany - The Unconventional Memory Workshop. Title: "The Extended Body: Vicarious Memories and Mimetic Capacities in Transgenerational Trauma"
2023: Institut Jean Nicod, Paris - Memory and Consciousness Workshop. Title: "Enacting unconsciousness in emotional and embodied remembering"
2023: Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany - GEM 2023 - Title: "What does reconstruction mean in a 4E approach of emotional remembering?"
2022: Humboldt Univesität Berlin, Germany, GAP 11 - Varieties of (dis)continuism: “What is subjective time in feared remembered/imagined scenarios?
2022: Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany - 4E Cognition Workshop. Title: "Environmental time travel"
2021: University of Grenoble, France Phd Seminar. Title: "The presentification of the past: involuntary memories in fear disorders"
2020: Universität zu Köln, Germany - CONCEPT Brownbag Seminar. Title: "Reviving the notion of affective memory towards a new approach on mental time"
2019: University of Manchester, UK - Forgiveness, Remembrance, Time. Title: "Is forgiveness possible in collective trauma?"
2019: Cologne-Grenoble Philosophy of Memory Workshop, Germany. Title: "Time and Nostalgia"
2019: Université Grenoble Alpes, France - Issues in Philosophy of Memory 2 - Title "Thinking temporal frameworks qualitatively: episodic memory and trauma"
2018: Center for Philosophy of Time, Milan, Italy - Workshop Thinking in and About Time - Duration and Continuity in Mental Time Travel
2017: Universität Bonn, Germany. Tense and Tensibility. Title: "The ethical time of men as a replicate of God's eternity: Schelling's Ages of the world"
2017: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany – Winterschule. Title: "Existing in one time and in many: the analogy between unity and multiplicity in Schelling as a ground for an ethics".
2016: Universität Bonn, Germany. Workshop Philosophien der Zeit. Title : "Does autobiographical memory require a linear notion of time?"
2014: Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. Ateliers du stage d'hiver à Coimbra: Workshop On Immanence and its logic. Title: "Bergson through Plotinus, Plotinus through Bergson: Paradoxes of immanence"
I have presented a zillion things on Aristotle and Plotinus' accounts of time and memory in Brazil, but I am too lazy to search for them at this point. Anyways, I assure you I remember their theories accurately :D